
“Dual”: Where Love Paints in Shades of Mystery

Imagine a moonlit night—an ethereal dance of shadows and secrets. Now, let me introduce you to Peyton and Elena. Their lives intersect like brushstrokes on a canvas, creating a masterpiece of desire and longing.

The Forbidden Connection:

Peyton, a photographer with a soul as restless as the wind, captures moments frozen in time. But her lens finds more than landscapes—it discovers Elena. A married woman, bound by vows and societal expectations, Elena’s eyes hold secrets Peyton can’t ignore.

Through the Lens of Passion:

Coixet’s direction is a symphony of stolen glances and whispered confessions. The camera becomes our voyeur, peeking into hidden corners of their hearts. Every frame is a revelation—a stolen kiss, a lingering touch, a promise unspoken.

The Third Party’s Dilemma:

Peyton isn’t the antagonist; she’s the unsung hero of this love story. Her heart treads the tightrope between desire and morality. As she navigates the labyrinth of forbidden love, we ache with her, yearning for a love that defies labels.

A Haunting Melody:

The soundtrack—oh, the soundtrack! It weaves emotions into notes, haunting us long after the credits roll. You’ll find yourself humming its melancholic tune, wondering if love can truly be untangled.

Why “Dual” Is Your Must-Watch:

Because it’s not just a lesbian film; it’s a symphony of longing. It’s the stolen glances across crowded rooms, the ache of unspoken words, and the courage to love against all odds. “Dual” invites you to step beyond the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary.

Release Date:
Run Time:
Two languages. Two people in love. One secret.
Nejc Gazvoda


DVOJINA ("Dual") - SLO HD trailer
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