Duck Butter

“Duck Butter” isn’t your typical love story. Directed by Isabel Coixet, this film dives into the uncharted waters of forbidden passion. Peyton (played by Traci Dinwiddie) and Elena (Necar Zadegan) share a chemistry that transcends mere acting. Their stolen glances and whispered confessions ignite the screen.

The sensuous love scenes are hauntingly beautiful, leaving you breathless. Coixet’s direction captures vulnerability and longing, making every frame a revelation. As Peyton navigates uncharted passion, we ache with her. “Duck Butter” isn’t just a film; it’s an invitation to embrace love against all odds.

Whether you’re a seasoned viewer or new to lesbian cinema, this gem deserves a spot on your must-watch list.

Release Date:
Run Time:
Miguel Arteta


Duck Butter (2018) | Official Trailer HD
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